Preventing dings, scratches, and dents on your car is not as difficult as you think it is. There are plenty of simple things you can do to keep your vehicle in mint condition for years to come. These common-sense tips will reduce the chances of the exterior of your car needing repair.
Walk More
Park further back in a parking lot so that your vehicle will not be near other cars. You will have to walk more to your destination, but at least your car will be safer. And, you will get some exercise as well, so it is a win-win. It is challenging to avoid scratches and dings when your vehicle is parked in the middle of a busy parking lot.
Choose Wisely
Try to park next to smaller cars whenever possible. You will create more space between your vehicle and their’s. Consider parking next to a more expensive car as well since these people will likely be more conscious about keeping their vehicles in pristine condition too. You should avoid minivans because they will probably have careless kids coming out of them. Kids will not always pay attention to their surroundings and are more likely to ding your vehicle.
Do Not Let Others Park Your Car
Parking garage attendants and valets are usually more concerned with parking your vehicle quickly than keeping it dent-free. They will not deliberately harm your car, but they will not care for it as much as you do. Endure the extra bit of hassle and save yourself some money by always parking your own car.
Choose Safe Spots
Some parking spaces have less risk than others, and the key is to look out for these spaces. Street parking is usually safer than a parking lot since there will not be drivers parked next to you that can open their doors and hit your car. In a parking lot, end spots are better for the same reason since only one side of your car will be next to another. The places next to handicapped spots are a good choice too since they offer more room than regular parking spots. Avoid spots for compact cars, even if your vehicle is considered one, since they do not provide much room between cars. Parking next to columns and posts is a good idea since they can protect your car – as long as you do not hit them yourself.
Keep Objects Off Your Vehicle
Setting items on the roof or hood of your car can cause damage to its finish. Avoid putting your vehicle in contact with anything other than a soft cloth and water.
Park In Garages
Your car is less likely to experience weather damage if it is mostly parked in a roofed area. Whenever possible, opt for garage parking so that it receives less exposure to the elements. Severe weather like hail and high winds can cause dirt, sand, and stones to wreak havoc on your vehicle’s paint.
Even if you follow these tips does not mean other drivers will as well. If you find imperfections on your vehicle’s exterior, contact Ceramic Pro Mississauga. Our experienced professionals have a wide range of products and services that will make your car look brand new again.